
Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Liebster Award

I have seen quite a few bloggers doing the Liebster Award recently but I didn't really know what it was all about, that is until I was nominated by the lovely Danny of Heart of Danny who left me a really lovely comment. Danny's blog is an amazing read, follow the link to take a look for yourself! 

So to start off with I will give you 11 facts about myself! I would just like to say now that no one ever said they had to be interesting facts!!  
  • I got engaged this year! 
  • Both of my little fingers have a bend in them 
  • I love cheese far too much, the stronger the better
  • I am extremely superstitious and I really don't know why, I refuse to cross people on the stairs and of course go around saluting magpies 
  • My favourite film is Pulp Fiction, yes I love John Travolta 
  • I am 24 years old
  • I am absolutely obsessed with Modern Family, if you haven't watched it then you really need to
  • Even though I am 24 I watch a lot of children's tv, yes Sabrina the Teenage Witch is still on 
  • My newest love is Lush bath bombs, I can't get enough 
  • I have never Broken a Bone 
  • I have A Levels in Psychology, Sociology, English Literature and Language and Media Studies 
That's my eleven facts about me, now for my questions that were set by Danny. 

1. If you could change one moment in time what would it be?
I would not change anything because otherwise I would not be where I am today with the amazing life that I have. 

2. Who is you're number one hero in life?
I have to say my number one hero is my mum, she is a huge influence in my life and means the world to me. 

3. If you could change one thing about the world then what would it be? (i.e. no war)
I think it would be to have a peaceful world with no conflict.  

4. What is your favourite season?

My favourite season is definitely the winter. I love wrapping up in winter coats, scarves and mittens, I love it when it snows too. I think it is the prettiest season. 

5. What is your least favourite type of weather?

My favourite type of weather is snow, I think snow is so romantic and pretty. It would be a dream to get married in the snow.

6. If you could choose one thing to be extremely good at what would it be? (i.e. singing)

I wish I was exceptionally good at dancing! I am always so jealous of people who can dance, I find dancing completely mesmerising and always have from a young age. Maybe I should join a class? 

7. What type of blog is your favourite to read? (i.e. photography, fashion etc.)

Of course my favourite blog to read is Beauty, I am totally obsessed Fashion and Wedding blogs come in a close second and third though.

8. If you could choose to be any celebrity for a day who would you choose and why?
I think I would have to say Blake Lively, not only is she beautiful and talented I just think she seems like she would be a genuinely nice person too. I think it would be interesting to see if what I think is true. 

9. What is the one dream in life that you want to come true?

To be able to have a career in the beauty industry and do something that I really love doing everyday. 

10. If you were a fruit what fruit would you be?

I think I would be Grapefruit pink and girly on the outside but can either be sweet or sour on the inside depending on the day!  

11. What is you're favourite song at the moment?

It's and oldie but a goodie The Weeknd Wicked Games, I just could play it on repeat and never get bored. 

Now here are the eleven blogs that I have nominated, I will then add the rules for the Liebster Award and also my questions for them all to answer! All the blogs I have chosen are really great so make sure to go over and have a read they are all linked below: 

The Rules 
1. Thank the blog that nominated you and link them.
2. Post eleven facts about yourself.

3. Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you and then create an eleven question set for the next group of nominees.
4. Choose eleven people to nominate and link them on the post.
5. Let your nominees know they've been tagged - and no tag backs!
6. Nominate blogs with under 200 followers. 

My Questions to You
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Who is your beauty icon? 

3. What is your guilty pleasure?
4. What is your best beauty tip? 
5. If you could only shop in one place for a whole year where would it be?
6. What is the one thing in your handbag that you just couldn't be without?
7. What is your winter fragrance? 
8. What is the best purchase you have ever made? 
9. The one product in your skin care routine that would have to be clawed away from you? 
10. If you were stuck on a dessert island and you only had three items what would they be? 
11. What is the song that reminds you of a really good time in your life? 

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post, comment below if you have done the Liebster Award so I can read it!

Yasmin xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Great post, congrats on the Liebster award! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo
