
Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Shop my Stash #1

We all know that time in the month when the purse strings need to get tighter, this for me is usually the time when I am walking around the shops and I want to buy everything within my reach! I decided to try and stop this urge and make myself feel better I would give 'shopping my stash' a go. This is essentially where you go through your make up and beauty collection and find things that you haven't used in a long time, things that you have forgotten about about or even lost! This apparently be just as satisfying and exciting as real shopping so I thought I would give it a try for myself.

The first couple of things I discovered were strangely both primers. I feel like I've never really given primers much of a chance so I thought now could be the time. The first one I picked out was the Paul & Joe Pearl Foundation Primer, this is quite possibly the most beautiful beauty product I have ever seen in all my life! From the box it comes in to the little pearls inside the bottle it just looks amazing and it kind of makes me sad that it has been tucked away in a drawer all this time. I remember when I brought this I was so excited and I thought I will use it sparingly, for best occasions but this has then lead to me forgetting about it. I have to say I'm really excited to use this again, maybe you'll see it in a Friday Favourites soon.

The other primer I picked up was the Laura Mercier Foundation Primer, I got this for my birthday in February and completely forgot about it. I have heard a lot of good things about this primer and so many people love it and hopefully I will too. I think this primer will probably go more into my day to day rotation and the Paul & Joe primer will be for evening looks. Next up was another product from Laura Mercier, the Fresh Fig Body Butter. I received this in a Birchbox quite some time ago and as anyone who gets Birchbox or Glossybox will know the products do start to pile up and you tend to forget about them. I'm really glad I found this again though, it smells absolutely phenomenal so I'm excited to see how it is on the skin.

Finally I picked out a few make-up bits, this consisted of Benefits Fine One One and Ava Lip Collision Lila'lli. Again I got the Benefit Fine One One for my birthday in February, I remember being quite scared of this product and not really knowing what to do with it. To be honest I still really don't know what to do with it but now I'm determined to find out and give it a try. If anyone already knows then make sure to leave a comment below and let me know! The Ava Lip Collision was from a Birchbox if I remember rightly, on one end it has a lipstick and on the other is the matching gloss. This is a really clever idea and I have to say I'm intrigued to use it, it's a pretty pink colour that I would definitely wear I'm just not usually a fan of a gloss but I will give it a go.

So that was me 'shopping my stash' and I can quite safely say it is quite exciting! You will be surprised how many products you completely forget about. Have you ever 'shopped your own stash'? How did you find it?

Yasmin xoxo


  1. I love shopping my stash and rediscovering products I haven't used for a while :)! Laura Mercier primer sounds amazing x

    Beauty with charm | TOOFACED GIVEAWAY

    1. It's the first time I've done it but I can quite safely say it won't be the last, it was so much fun! I'm really excited to use the Laura Mercier primer again.

      Yasmin xoxo

  2. I absolutely adore Laura Mercier's foundation primer! Its actually going to feature in my October favourites I love it that much! Haha.
    Alex //

    1. I will definitely be giving that a read!! I love seeing the products people have been loving!

      Yasmin xoxo
